Wednesday, September 22, 2010

SKiMZ Monzter SM251: Unboxing and Put to the TEST

SKiMZ  getting the unboxing treatment:   as done by a member of  clee123.  
but first here's the skimmers specs as posted  before:

      Technical Data:                                                       
         • Skimmer pump: 2 Skimz ES5000 needlewheel
         • Power consumption: 40W
   • Air intake: 1920 l/h                                                        
         • L 286 x W 286 x H 570mm
         • Skimmer body diameter (mm): 250
    For Aquariums:
         • 1000 - 3000 litres
         • In sump version                     

as clee123 says in verbatim.

"I Really enjoyed the DIY process of assembling the allowed me to understand piece by piece how the skimmer is being designed and created... I must say the design is outstanding and the product is refined in every detail.."

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